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COVID-19 Response

March 18, 2020

Dear HBC Family,

     Our Elders and Deacons met last night and came up with our plan for dealing with  the Covid 19 Crisis. Things continue to change quickly, so we will communicate as often as necessary to keep you up to date. As of today, here’s what we know: 

     HBC facilities are closed to all public meetings through Sunday April 5. Prior to April 5 we will let you know the plans for after that date. We hope to be able to worship together on Easter Sunday April 12. 

     You will receive a call from one of the Elders or Deacons each week. Let us know if you have a specific prayer request, or if you need something, or if you can volunteer to help others. 

     We will take care of one another! We already have a team of volunteers who will gladly shop or run errands for you if you are not comfortable leaving your home. Let your deacon or elder know when he calls. If you want to join the volunteer team, likewise let them know. Dirk Wageman is the coordinator to match up volunteers with needs. If you want to volunteer immediately, contact Dirk ( 208-514-7571).

     “Services” online: Starting this Sunday morning we will provide our preaching online. Watch for details and links about how and when it will come. We’re awaiting arrival of a key piece of equipment before we can be more specific. There will be no service tonight (Wednesday March 18).

     Reach out to friends and neighbors during this bizarre time. Fear can expose the needs of souls, and these days are great opportunities to explain why we are not afraid. I suggest calling one Christian friend and one non-Christian friend, every day if you can. Galatians 6:10So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. This is a time to be generous with our time and resources.

     Contributions can be mailed to HBC, 7071 W Emerald St., Boise, ID 83704 if you want to stay current in that aspect of your worship. As we respond to situations we cannot yet foresee, we will let you know if a need becomes critical. 

Jude 24-25,