The Building Committee, in conjunction with the Elders and Deacons, began a process to evaluate how to make the best use of the physical plant God has provided with an eye toward growth over the next 10-20 years. The plan includes both long-term needs and short-term needs. This includes (but is not limited to) additional classrooms, an elevator and stair to connect the two floors, expanded administrative and counseling areas, a central kitchen, multi-purpose space for fellowship times, and and expanded sanctuary with 500-seat capacity.
To this end we engaged the services of an architectural firm specializing in church work who has now reviewed the needs expressed by those working in various areas of ministry and worked with the Building Committee to develop a Conceptual Master Plan. This Plan includes a multi-phase approach to enhance the building to meet current and anticipated needs. The current plan provides a road map; it is not a final version and the details all need to be worked out with further planning.
We have begun a Building Fund and are pursuing funds that will allow us to upgrade the building in a phased approach proposed to begin with downstairs classroom construction. The timing of this is dependent upon the resources the Lord provides.
The Building Committee wants to collect all questions / comments in an orderly fashion, so please email them to They will all be read and taken into consideration and we will do our best to respond to each one. You can also review the Frequently Asked Questions page - and we'll continue to add to this as questions are received.