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An Introduction to the Gospel

November 19, 2017 Speaker: Dick Shaw

Scripture: Romans 1:1–6, Romans 1:16–17

The theme of the book of Romans is "The Gospel of God." Look carefully at the essence of the Good News.

1 - the gospel is specific (1)
2 - the gospel was promised (2)
3 - the gospel is Christ-centered (3-4)
3a - in His humanity, He was born as a descendent of David, fulfilling the promises made to David in 2 Samuel 7
3b - in His divinity, He was born as the Son of God, with that identity confirmed by His resurrection from the dead.
4 - the gospel is purposeful (5-6)
5 - the gospel is powerful (16)
6 - the gospel is invitational (16)
7 - the gospel is conditional (16)
8 - the gospel is revealing (17)