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Pray Like This (Part 1)

January 17, 2021 Speaker: Jim Harris Series: Sermon on the Mount

Scripture: Matthew 6:9–10

Pray, then, in this way is how Jesus introduces this prayer. He did not say, "Use exactly these words." This prayer is a model prayer; it is a pattern, not a formula. Our prayers should imitate the characteristics of this prayer, not merely its specific words. This is usually called The Lord's Prayer. But that title is something of a misnomer. In reality, this is the Disciples' Prayer, because it is the prayer Jesus gave to His disciples. If you want to be strictly accurate, the Lord's prayer is in John 17, where we have the words Jesus prayed just before He was arrested and went to the cross.

Here are characteristics of this prayer you can profitably copy in your prayers:

It is brief. The entire prayer is approximately 70 words in all.

The priority is the glory of God. Therefore this model prayer gives first attention to God: to His name, His kingdom and His will. Human needs (bread, pardon for sin, and victory over Satan) take second place.

Amazing breadth is included in the six pithy petitions.

  1. The Target: Our Father who is in heaven (9)
    1. Petition #1 (9)
    2. Petition #2 (10)
    3. Petition #3 (10)

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