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April 2, 2017 Speaker: Dirk Wageman

Scripture: Genesis 1:1– 3:24

The world is confused over elementary matters. This world is your mission field. God's word is the inerrant and infallible truth that can set people free from darkness and confusion. His word is the only firm foundation for life, and it starts at the beginning. It is your call to know it, believe it, live it, and proclaim it for His glory. The word of Christ is the only hope of rescue for this wicked and perverse generation.

Learn today about the beginning of:

the material universe (Genesis 1:1)
order (1:2-10)
life (1:11-31)
mankind (1:26-2:25)
sin (3:1-6)
corruption and death (3:7-19)
hope (3:15)