Potpourri Of Pastoral Provocations
September 10, 2023 Speaker: Jim Harris
Topic: Provoke the Pastor
The importance of our previous opening comments merit repeating as the Bible is our fully sufficient source for every question and from which every answer must derive. The pivotal verses in this discussion are:
2 Peter 1:3: . . . seeing that His divine power has granted to us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
2 Timothy 3:16–17: All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for EVERY good work.
Today's questions:
- How does one do a "word" study? What resources do you suggest in addition to the Bible?
- In what way [in heaven] is someone rewarded more than a fellow believer?
- God says there will be [in heaven] no more tears, sadness, pain....so why does God talk about being grieved, or the Holy Spirit being grieved?
- I know miracles and healings were used to prove Jesus was who He sad He was and [miracles] were for a limited time. It is apparent that people at that time were accustomed to knowing about demon possession - why don't we recognize demon possession anymore?
- When I read passages like Romans 11:11-26, I can't help but think that the church as Israel are one. Can you explain the scriptural case against covenant theology?
- What was the purpose of old testament sacrifices and does it have anything to do with their salvation?
- Does the church plan to address any of the problems of the country any time soon?