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Ecclesiastes: All Is Vanity

September 20, 2023 Speaker: Jim Harris Series: Ecclesiastes

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1– 12:14

Worldview: The fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point-of-view, including natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics.

The dominant elements of the worldview of most Americans these days are:

(He who dies with the most toys, wins)

Theory of Evolution
(You are the result of random events)

(Highest value is pleasure and comfort)

(There are no absolutes)

Ecclesiastes is Solomon's explanation of what's really important. He explored everything the world has to offer and found it was all "vanity." The conclusion he came to is in the Bible so that you don't need to subject yourself to investigating all the futile things he investigated.

This book is the summary of Solomon's investigation into several ways of thinking and reasoning followed by people in the world. In coming weeks you will see from Ecclesiastes how to fine-tune your worldview for maximum joy and blessing from God.

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